Outreach - Part 2

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Who are the homeless?

Prepared by: Mary Anne Tangney and Barb Carpio

We would like to speak to you about ‘who ARE people without homes?’ and ‘Why do they not have homes?’ In other words, what are the causes of homelessness.

Video Credit: Colleen Parsons, Community Advocate, Eradicating Stigma from our Discourse

We often think of those without homes sleeping ‘rough’ outside in parks or alleyways. But being homeless can also mean those facing imminent eviction or living in an abusive home, afraid to leave;  those living in an emergency shelter, in a van or car, couch-surfing or staying at friends’ because there’s nowhere else to go. There are so many scenarios!

People without homes are people like you and me…..ordinary people. Every life has a story, but sometimes things go sideways…life falls apart!

Mike was a welder, married with 3 kids, good job, nice home. An accident happens at work, the doctor gives pain killers … and soon he can’t live without them!  He’s off the job a long time. Company lets him go. Depression sets in. Marital problems develop —his wife & kids leave. Money is gone, house is gone, family is gone.  He lives in his car for while until they tow it away — now he stays at emergency shelter. ONE OF MANY LIVED EXPERIENCES!

We take a look at the root causes or the ‘why’ people are without homes. Poverty is an obvious factor, but it’s broader than that! The causes of living without a home are as numerous as the problems, traumas, crises and losses in our own lives, MINUS the family & social supports, adequate finances and mental & physical health that benefit many of us with a roof over our head.

Video Credit: Recovery for All, Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness, www.recoveryforall.ca


Hear our prayer today for all women and men, boys and girls who are homeless this day.

For those sleeping under bridges, on park benches, in doorways or bus stations.

For those who can only find shelter for the night but must wander in the daytime.

For families broken because they could not afford to pay the rent.

For those who have no relatives or friends who can take them in.

For those who have no place to keep possessions that remind them who they are.

For those who are afraid and hopeless.

For those who have been betrayed by our social safety net.

For all these people, we pray that you will provide shelter, security and hope.

We pray for those of us with warm houses and comfortable beds that we not be lulled into complacency and forgetfulness.

Jesus, help us to see your face in the eyes of every homeless person we meet.

Empower us to work for justice and peace through words and deeds, and through the political means we have.

Give us open hearts to greet and meet the homeless people in our neighbourhoods.

In your name we pray. Amen.


  1. Infographic “Homelessness in Canada By the Numbers”, from Homeless Hub, www.homelesshub.ca/SOHC2014 .

  2. Don’t Stop Now! Progress in Poverty Reduction: Analysis from Hamilton and Ontario, 1996-2016, Social Planning & Research Council of Hamilton, June 2019

  3. Hamilton’s Rental Landscape: Introduction and Executive Summary, Social Planning & Research Council of Hamilton, 2019

  4. "I am living proof that homelessness can end,” https://youtu.be/9xYLNEi7BZ0?list=PLm_Ix-nPppfC1Ag17iz8Y3ChxoiF58hJo. Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness

  5. Housing & Homelessness Action Plan, City of Hamilton, January 2020 
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